Golp(Generic Object Library of Properties) is an easy-to-use property class library for CFD&NHT programs. Golp is not, but more than a property database, it provides thermodynamics and thermophysical properties by generic interfaces. The classes can also be built as COM and python modules.
[2002-12-14] golp-0.1.2 released, add Windows Automation extension.
[2002-12-14] implemetation golp as Windows Automation, so it can be used in Windows script, such as JScript and VBScript, and Excel.
[2002-11-06] golp-0.1.1 released, including property classes, document, com extension, Python extension and examples
[2002-11-06] golp Python extension is available. Python extension using Boost.Python has added to cvs repository. The extension can convert property class to Python class.
document for implementation and usage of golp. document
the project is hosted on sourceforge.net. golp project