class ComProperty

all COM property classes must be drived from base class IProperty. In order to use the existed property classes, class ComProperty derives from IProperty and property class.
      IProperty   Property calss
          |             |
ComProperty use property class as a template parameter.
template <class Tp>
class ComProperty : public IProperty, private Tp
because exception can not come out of a COM method, so exceptions in property classes must be catched in ComProperty and transfered to error code.
        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rho(value_type __RPC_FAR *val) {
		try {							
			(*val) = Tp::get_rho();			
		} catch(PropertyNotImplement&) {			
			return E_NOTIMPL;				
		} catch(...) {						
			return E_FAIL;					
		return S_OK;						
then it is easy to get a COM property class from property class.
	typedef ComProperty<water_steam<double> > com_water_steam;


allan xu, 2002-10-18