GOLP--the Generic Object Library of Properties

Golp is a lightweight, easy-to-use property library for numerical simulation of fuild and heat transfer problems. Golp is not, but more than a property database, it is easily embeded to C++ programs.

Golp is designed with ANSI C++, using object-oriented method. It can be compiled on most platform.

Propery Interface

Golp has a generic interface, which is a base class of all property classes. The base class defines all the methods to query property.[property.h]

Property classes

the current property classes:
Property class must drives from base class Property, and implements the two pure virtual functions in base class -- Description() and Formula(), and other property query method.

COM extension

Python extension

Using Boost.Python v2 to expose property classes to Python, needing not to rewrite the classes. Each C++ property classes is reflected to a Python class, and all Python property classes have the same base class "Property" too. It also allow user to override virtual functions of property classes, and call back them.[pygolp.cpp][pygolpdef.h]



Xu Xianghua, PhD candidate of Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Email: allanxu@msn.com


Golp is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, which is compliant with the guidelines of the Open Source and Free Software Fundations. See GNU Lesser General Public License for detail.

Updated: Oct 2002