by John H. Lienhard IV/V
- constants
- get_mwi(), mol weight, kg/kmol
- get_Rgas(), gas constamt, kJ/(kJ K)
- get_critic_T()
- get_critic_P()
- get_critic_sv()
- get_critic_Z()
- get_triple_T()
- get_triple_P()
- liquid properties of vaporization curve, temperature from 180 K to 420 K
- tget_vapor_P(T)
- tget_rho(T)
- tget_Cp(T)
- tget_mu(T)
- tget_nu(T)
- tget_Pr(T)
- tget_ktc(T)
- tget_thermal_diff(T)
- tget_thermal_exp_coef(T)
calculation for properties on vaporization curve uses 3 order polynomial interpolation.
allan xu, 2002-10-18